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The Point at which an Earthquake Starts

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The focus, also known as the hypocenter, is the location at which an earthquake originates.

Earthquakes happen when rock material is suddenly slipped along a fault. These areas of weakness and friction in the crust of our planet cause earthquakes by building up stress in the rocks. When the friction and strength within the rock exceeds that of the fault, it ruptures. This results in a sudden slippage which releases stress energy into the crust.

The amount of shaking caused by an earthquake determines its size. The amount of shaking depends on the distance from the fault. Because faults can be many kilometers below the earth's surface, it is difficult to measure. However, scientists can use seismograms for this purpose.

Seismograms make it easy to find an earthquake. They show the movement P and S waves which shake the ground. Because P waves travel more quickly than S waves, they are easier to see on a seismicogram.

survival tip

My house is nextdoor green mountain on the Hayward fault

The tectonic plates that make up our earth's lithosphere are constantly shifting, moving around on the mantle layer below. This nonstop motion creates cracks and stresses in our lithosphere. If these faults grow in size, one plate's edges will become unsticky and an earthquake can occur.

There are many fault types, but the most common cause behind earthquakes is a slip following a fault. Cascadia subduction Zone is where most of the famous earthquakes occur. It is where the ocean crust below our North American continent has been forced under. This area of the world is a particularly dangerous place for earthquakes because it is so far from a known plate boundary.

Large earthquakes can do a lot to homes and other structures. The strong shaking can result in the destruction of foundations or landslides. It can also make the earth's surface a liquid, causing destruction of buildings and tsunamis.

It might be impossible to survive an earthquake. However, it is possible to learn how to prepare and protect your home from damage. The most important thing to remember is to drop, cover and hold on!

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It doesn't matter if you are at home or away, it is important to be aware of earthquake risks. Find out about the most affected areas in your neighborhood and make sure that you are ready.

A earthquake will be your next door neighbor

Major earthquakes can cause destruction in your neighborhood. It can rip roofs off of buildings, set landslides in motion and cause your whole neighborhood to be turned into a lake or mudslide.

An unusually loud tremble or crackling in the ground could be the first sign that an earthquake is imminent. Call your nearest emergency services center immediately if there aren't any clues.

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What time does it take for help to be found after you have lost your way?

This depends on several factors:

  • You are where you need to be
  • What kind of terrain you're in
  • It does not matter if you are able to receive cell phone service
  • It doesn't matter if someone has seen you.
  • It doesn't matter if your are hurt
  • It doesn't matter if you're dehydrated
  • It doesn't matter if water has been ingested.
  • It doesn't matter if you have had food recently
  • It doesn't matter if you are wearing the right clothing
  • Whether you are carrying a map or compass
  • Are you familiar with the area?
  • How much time has passed since you became lost
  • How long did it take you to search for help?
  • How long does people take to notice you are gone?
  • You are amazed at how fast they find you and start searching for you
  • How many rescuers are you able to attract?
  • How many rescues have you received?

How to Navigate Without or With a Compass

Although a compass does not tell you where you're going, it can help you get back to your home in case you lose your bearings.

There are three ways to navigate:

  1. By landmarks
  2. By magnetic North (using an compass).
  3. By stars

These are objects you recognize immediately when you come across them. They are trees, buildings or rivers. Landmarks provide visual clues to where you live.

Magnetic North is simply the direction in which the Earth's magnetic field points. You'll see that the sun appears as if it is moving across the sky when you look up. However, the earth's magnetic field actually causes the sun to move around the earth. The sun appears to move across the sky but it actually moves around the horizon. The sun is overhead at noon. The sun is directly below your eyes at midnight. Because the earth's magnetic field changes constantly, the exact direction of its magnetic North pole is always changing. This means you might be off the course by quite a bit during a single day.

Another way to navigate is with stars. Stars rise and set above the horizon. These are fixed points that can be used to pinpoint your location relative other locations.

What is the first thing you should do in a survival situation?

Assessing the situation is the first thing you should do in an emergency. It is important to assess the situation and know where you are.

Knowing what to expect from your environment is important. You might not be able use communication if you are in the middle of nothing.

You should learn as much as possible if you don't already know something.

If you are in urgent danger, it's best that you seek medical help immediately. However, if you are safe, then you might want to take some time to gather information and figure out what happened.

What is the most essential item for survival?

The most important thing you need to survive is food. Shelter from the elements is as important as food. If you don't eat, you won't live very long.

What is your most valuable survival tool in case you get lost?

The compass indicates which direction north is. It also shows us the distance we have traveled since our origin point. The compass won't always show you the correct direction if you travel to mountains. If you are on a flat plain, however, the compass will most likely give you all you need.

You could also use a rock or a tree as a reference point if you don't own a compass. Even though you still need a landmark to help you orient yourself, it's a good idea to have one.

How to stay calm in a survival situation?

You will do well in almost any situation if you have patience and calm. It is easy to panic when you are in a survival situation. Keep calm and be patient, you will be able to handle whatever happens.

It is important to understand that you can't change the outcome of any situation. The only thing you can control is how you respond to it. This will allow you to feel great about yourself, even if you don't achieve everything you want.

If you find yourself in a survival scenario, it is important to remain calm and collected. This means being prepared mentally and physically.

Mental preparation includes having a clear goal in mind and setting realistic expectations for yourself.

Physical preparation is ensuring you have enough food for the rescue and water.

You can now relax and enjoy the experience once you have done these two things.

Why are basic survival skills important?

Basic survival skills include being able to shelter yourself, make fire, shelter, hunt and fish. These skills are critical no matter where one lives, but they are especially important when travelling alone or in remote regions.

Survival skills also include things like first aid, self-defense, navigation, communication, and wilderness medicine. They are crucial life-saving and must be understood before venturing in the unknown.

In addition to these basic skills, many other valuable skills could prove useful while you are away from home. If you want to spend your vacation hiking, learn about mountaineering. If you intend to camp in deserts, learn how extreme temperatures can be beaten. There are many options to prepare for any scenario, so don’t hesitate to explore new possibilities and learn new skills.


  • We know you're not always going to be 100% prepared for the situations that befall you, but you can still try and do your best to mitigate the worst circumstances by preparing for a number of contingencies. (hiconsumption.com)
  • The Dyrt PRO gives 40% campground discounts across the country (thedyrt.com)
  • In November of 1755, an earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 6.0 and a maximum intensity of VIII occurred about 50 miles northeast of Boston, Massachusetts. (usgs.gov)
  • The downside to this type of shelter is that it does not generally offer 360 degrees of protection and unless you are diligent in your build or have some kind of tarp or trash bags, it will likely not be very resistant to water. (hiconsumption.com)

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How To

How to build a lean-to shelter

Small structures known as lean-tos can be found all across the United States. They are typically made of wood, metal poles covered with tarps. The walls, floor, and ceiling are usually built first, then the roof is added.

When the weather is not favorable for permanent shelter, a lean-to shelter can be constructed on the side of a structure. It is also known as a "leaning to shed", "leaning to cabin," or "leaning to house."

There are many types o lean tos.

  1. A simple wooden frame with a tarpaulin cover. This type of lean to is common in rural areas.
  2. A lean-to tent consisting of a framework of poles supporting a tarpaulin.
  3. A lean to cabin, also known by the "cabin-on frame", is a structure that consists of a platform supported on beams and posts.
  4. A leanto shed, also known under the name "shelter–on–a-pole" or “paddock shed”, is made of a frame of poles supported by a cover.
  5. A leaning garage, also known by the names "garage ofstilts" and "overhang", is made up of a steel framework supported on concrete stilts.
  6. A leaning-to studio (also known as "studio–on-a–frame” or "studio–on-a–post”) is a structure that includes two horizontal members (posts), one perpendicular and one vertical member (beam).
  7. A lean-to greenhouse, also called a "greenhouse-on-a-post," consists of three parallel horizontal members (posts), one perpendicular member (beam), and a canopy.


The Point at which an Earthquake Starts